Perplexity Ai vs Chat-gpt. Which is best?

Perplexity AI vs Chat GPT


Perplexity AI is a combination of “AI” and “search engine,” which was founded by a small group of people from the United States in August 2022. The CEO of Perplexity AI is Arvind Srinivas, and their headquarters lie in California. It is a very advanced technology that helps users solve their complex problems and also provides creative ideas. Perplexity AI analyzes text data from different sources using both large language models (LLM) and natural language processing (NLP). The strong combination of LLM and NLP provides strong and accurate results.

ChatGPT is one of the most advanced chatbots. It’s unique conversation skills and deep knowledge have got the attention of many users across the world in their first slight. Chat-GPT was initially released in November 2022; as of now, it has gained more than 100 million users and is competing with one of the greatest search engines, "Google." Chat-GPT is progressing day by day, and the developers are adding more impactful features like an AI image generator and more advanced versions like Chat-GPT 4.0, etc.

2.) Who gives more accurate information ?

Perplexity AI provides information based on web search and retrieves the correct information from vast amounts of web pages based on keywords and queries. It provides information based on the content existing on the web. So, there are only a few chances that it will provide you with wrong information.

Chat-GPT primarily answers the question based on pattern and information from the text as it was trained. ChatGPT does not retrieve real-time information from the web as perplexity AI, due to which sometimes ChatGPT gives wrong information when you ask him about the latest news or any information. Which makes perplexity AI a bit more accurate because it can provide the latest information about anything.

3.) The test of conversation skills.

The conversation skill of perplexity AI is good; it can answer even your silly questions, but it does not answer in a very human-friendly way. Many people want AI to talk like humans because it makes conversation interesting; it does not feel good to talk in robot language. Perplexity has to improve their conversation skills, which will attract users to talk and ask questions for a long time.

In other hand, Chat-gpt has mastered the human-friendly conversatation skill more than any other. It can answer you in such a way you feel like you’re talking to your friend, which makes the user more attracted to this AI. It is also a reason why ChatGPT got instant attention in the world after its release.

4.) Conclusion.

Perplexity is new in this AI industry, so there are many things to be updated. Overall, it is a very effective search engine, especially for people who visit multiple web pages but at last don’t get their required information. If developers focus on adding the best and most creative features, it has the potential to be better than ChatGPT in the future.

ChatGPT has got the upper hand; it has already conquered the world in terms of AI. It has a vast number of data and information; it has more active users than Perplexity AI. It can do many things better than perplexity, like content writing, language translation, coding help, personal assistance, etc.




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